1 燙平機機系臥式兩端箱體型結構,滾筒為優質不銹鋼板精制而成,傳熱快,熨燙平整光滑,不污染、損傷布草。
2 燙平機傳動、進汽和疏水系統分別置于兩邊箱體內,外型美觀新穎,結構緊湊,體積小。
3 燙平機安全可靠,進料部分裝有限位機構,輸送時人手觸接護指板立即停車,保障操作人員的安全。
4 燙平機在輸送系統各層次間設置了對應的速差,使織物更易張緊壓平。
5 燙平機傳動系統由電機經減速機,再經鏈條傳動帶動滾筒,超負荷能力強,有一定的緩沖和減振性能,各鏈條均有張緊裝置,方便調節松緊。
6 燙平機采用寬綻帶傳送,并用隔圈相隔開,避免了綻帶在傳送中難以解決的游動現象,同時采用微型搭扣聯結,裝拆、更換方便。
7 燙平機蒸汽進口裝有安全閥,出廠前已調校好,正常工作時,一般不需調整,用戶每年必須送勞動部門校驗一次。
8 燙平機各輸送層次間用耐溫微薄導向帶隔離,保證織物不產生粘結現象,故上漿織物也能達到滿意的熨燙效果。
Main Features:
The machine adopts speed-adjusted ,users can choose ironing speed according Io different fabrics and pressed conditions.
Using pressure steam cylinder or infrared quartz tube .to heat drum surface .high heating eddiciency.
The machine adopts stroter to make the gear running down .with high speed rate , high efficirncy over-loading ability and low loise.
Driving by chiains ,that can bear a very heavy loading.
Using wide conveyer belt for the cylinder ,adopts rotary connections for sealing to avoid the flowing phenomenon during the period transmission.
Each cylinder posses different speeds , which makes the efficiency better.
The steam input of the cylinder adopts rotary connections for sealing to avoid steam leaking , with longer life.
We have succssfully developed four , five and six cylinders ironing machine , customers could updrating the ironing machine according to your requirements.
Steam heated or electric ones are available.